Nice to Meet You—the Opening Ceremony of Qingdao Weiming ISD

Have you become taller and stronger this summer?

Have you gotten more tan?

Have you thought about the breeze from "Weiming Lake" in your leisure time?

The basketball court said: "I have waited for you for a whole summer which includes twenty rainy days and thirty hot days.

The classroom said: "I have been looking forward to seeing you for a whole summer and because of the quietness, I dislike the sound of  the breeze passing by which gives me the illusion that you are back."

On September 2nd, 2019, the opening ceremony of Weiming ISD was officially held in Weiming Theater. President Lei Lixia, Vice President Han Wen, ISD Director Alice Zhao, Academic Director Dr. Bradley as well as national and international teachers attended the ceremony.

At the beginning of the ceremony, all the students and teachers watched a wonderful video of their daily life during the past summer vacation in Weiming ISD. Actually, our summer vacation was far more wonderful than the video as we had so many colorful activities such as summer camp, volunteer activities a track and field competition, Berkeley principal training, Southlands academic training, and military training for new students.

The outstanding graduate Yang Jiezhi from the Southlands Schools International China, Qingdao who is now studying in the University of California, Berkeley, also sent a congratulatory message. He shared his first day at Berkeley and encouraged his schoolmates to work hard to realize their dreams of entering an ideal university.

Then ISD Director Alice Zhao put forward three suggestions to the students. To put it simply, whether the ability to think and learn independently or to establish a lifelong interest and to enable all students to adapt to the local environment better after going abroad.

Dr. Bradley, the ISD Academic Director, through the story of President Lincoln as well as his own story, encouraged the children to adhere to their dreams. At the same time, he also explained the ISD's disciplinary requirements for the students.

The ISD faculty is a team with both professionalism and youthful vitality. Both the national and international teachers sent blessings and expectations to them on the first day, hoping that each child would learn something new. What the teachers expect is not to see everyone getting first place, but that the children can achieve results in the fields they love, gain something in each lesson and get good results, which teachers,  parents and themselves are satisfied with at the end of the semester.


Zhang Yaoyun, a freshman in the SACE program, delivered a speech on behalf of all the freshmen. She was full of joy and expectation, hoping that all the ISD freshmen will stay true to their original duty and study hard. Yang Zhongze, an outstanding student representative from the 12th grade of the Southlands Schools International China, Qingdao, expressed his warm welcome to all the freshmen in fluent English. He also exchanged his own learning methods as well as his own dream with his schoolmates. We hope that the students of the graduating class of the ISD, represented by Yang Zhongze, will be able to make new achievements and enter their favorite universities.

Finally, President Lei delivered a speech to the teachers and the ISD students. She shared with everyone what she learned during the training of Berkeley Principal, and hoped that the professors at Berkeley would come to Qingdao Weiming School to give teachers more professional training. At the same time, she also brought the students the good news of the outstanding seniors at ISD. Everyone has a dream, but the prerequisite for realizing the dream is to be down-to-earth. The students who graduate from ISD of Qingdao Weiming School never forget their alma mater, and still share new things with teachers on their way to dreams.

At last, President Lei expressed her expectation to the ISD teachers and students and her confidence in the future development of the ISD. She wished the students to embark on a new journey in the new semester and achieve new results and become better. Since they didn’t see each other during summer vacation, the students may be a little restrained. Moreover, the new students and the old students may not be familiar with each other. Therefore, the ISD held a school carnival event in the afternoon of September 2nd. The exciting and tacit games eliminated the distance between them. Furthermore, through the games, they gained happiness, friendship, knowing the preciousness of active participation, and understanding the significance of teamwork.

As the Director Zhao said, youth is power and as long as you have a dream and pursue it, you’ll surely have a future. Since you are young, nothing is impossible. As long as you start now, everything will be available.

We hope that all of you can grow taller, smile more, get a higher score and make much more progress.