新学期,新征程 || 在为明,理想与你皆耀眼!





国际部校长Alice Zhao精彩深情的开学致辞拉开了典礼的序幕,她用最近发生在这个世界上,发生在我们身边的事例,带我们一同重新思考新学期应树立怎样的目标。她对同学们新学期提出了要求、寄予了希望,鼓励大家努力成为自信自强、心胸开阔乐观向上的人 。


国际部学术主任Neil向大家隆重介绍了优秀的教师团队,每位老师出场时都掀起台下学生们阵阵热烈欢呼。国际部老师们也带来了提前为大家录制的开学特别礼物——《Time Zone》,希望同学们新学期在自己的时区里,不焦虑、不盲从,找到更好的自己!




Dear principals, teachers and students, Good morning!

I’m Wendy Wang from Weiming Southlands senior class. I became a student of Southlands at 2017.

Today I am honored to represent all returning students and the student council to welcome you to come to this campus. Welcome all returning students who are refreshed and radiant after summer break and ready to resume campus life. Welcome all new students who have just become part of this big family of ISD. Welcome all returning and new faculties who dedicate in their quotidian works. Sincerely, I wish you a great year here as a brand new chapter of your life is now being turned to.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you who were here last semester. Thank you for your support to student council, to care foundation, and to all other student organizations and activities. As the past president of student council, I deeply understood the difficulty of event organization.

I would like to acknowledge that without your efforts, we couldn’t have reached this far. This year Kim and I would abdicate, so would many other previous members of student council. But sincerely, I wish that whoever takes over the charge can perform the best out of his or her ability to maintain its prominence.

Also, I would like to mention that student council is now recruiting its new members. Student council has been responsible for organizing student activities throughout the year, including but not limited to Halloween, Christmas, sports day, etc. It is a great opportunity to enhance your leadership and organization skills, as well as meeting different and excellent people. And welcome new faces to join us this year.  

I would like to say that for all new-coming students, don’t panic at the first few weeks here. Students might be much more receptive and teachers might be much more friendly and helpful than you possibly believe. Ask for help whenever you feel like you need it. Don’t be shy to talk. And don’t be ashamed if at the beginning you aren’t able to enunciate immaculately.

I would like to suggest to those who have just started their freshman year in Southlands, that the first year in high school is probably the least burdensome year in terms of academics, that it is crucial to not waste time and to prepare for your future as early as possible.

I would like to say that for those who have just entered sophomore and junior year to start focusing more and more on your academics, to have a rigorous agenda for APs, and to prepare for standardized tests as soon as possible.

In the end, I wish all the best to seniors, to my classmates, in terms of their college applications. Now is the time for painstaking efforts and perspiration. But months later, rewards will silently come. No matter where you are planning to go after graduation, the best is yet to come and cherish the moment to strive for a brighter future.

I wish all the best to SACE 2019 to have the best performance on their college entrance examinations and to get in their dream universities. You are always the role models at school.

I was as nervous and anxious as you might have been in this first week of this brand new school year when I first came to Southlands in 2017. I was afraid of not being able to understand my lessons and connect to my classmates. I was afraid of answering questions in class, nor was I courageous enough to speak in public. But I tried to improve. As time went on, I was no longer the timorous one who didn’t dare to talk, and I believe that time will one day in the future approbate your efforts today and reward you with what you deserve.

Thank you!



Good morning to the honourable faculty and my dear fellow students. My name is Tony and I am a recent graduate of No. 5 Middle School. As the new student representative, It is my honour to speak on behalf of the new class of 2024 at the Qingdao Weiming School ISD. First of all, I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to the teaching faculty. It is also with great pleasure that I meet my classmates today. 


We are all gathered here for the beginning of a new semester, ready to set sail towards a brand new adventure. Our hectic yet fulfilling life in middle school has come to an end, leaving us with hopes and dreams as we embark on a new journey on this campus. Here at Weiming, we are blessed with the best administration and leadership team, the most dedicated teaching staff, driven and talented students, a gorgeous and inviting campus, and rich and exciting club activities. We are proud to be joining this big family and thrilled for what is yet to come.


Many of us have felt confused or doubted ourselves in the past. It is only normal. Today, however, we find ourselves at the starting line once more. This is our opportunity to re-orient our goals and plan out our futures. This is our opportunity to give it all we've got to pursue our dreams and leave no regrets behind.


Every moment is precious to those who know the value of time. Summer break was the perfect opportunity for us to improve ourselves. In the past two months, I was fortunate to have attempted scientific experiments in physics, chemistry, and biology, as well as join a summer camp on constructing underwater robots. It was immensely enjoyable and helped me expand my knowledge on the subjects I have always been interested in. In the coming semester, I look forward to learning more from my teachers, having new experiences, and working harder to push my own limits.


As Plato once said, "We should not exercise the body without the joint assistance of the mind; nor exercise the mind without the joint assistance of the body." I believe that a healthy constitution is the basis for a sound mind. To train my body, I chose to learn free boxing this summer. I would like to call on my fellow students to engage in physical activities after the wisdom of Plato, to build a healthy body and mind in perfect balance and harmony.


The new semester marks a new beginning. It means seeking new knowledge, meeting new friends, and discovering new sides of ourselves. Today, we stand prepared. I believe that with guidance from our teachers and our own relentless efforts, we can all grow to reach our full potentials. We should hold fast to our values and ideals, be respectful, knowledgeable, and stand by our commitments to our society, our school, and family. 


"Things change quickly, victory belongs to those who keep striving; earth extends broad, acquirement belongs to those who keeping tolerant."The new semester has come. Let us all meet new challenges with full spirit, climb the peak of wisdom with strong will, and open the door to success with the key of knowledge! Today, we are proud to be a part of Weiming. Tomorrow, Weiming will be proud of us. 


Thank you!





来自G12的Zoe和Joseph,以及G10的Alison,Alan,Angelia和Jesse也为大家带来了歌曲《Rather Be》;中外教老师们也携手爱徒,用温暖的“心灵鸡汤”为国际部同学们开启新的学期加油打气!



每年开学典礼的重头戏就是大家最期待的颁奖环节,大家从Alice校长和学术主任Mr. Neil Kimmet先生手中接过一份份沉淀的嘉奖。台上灯光聚焦在孩子们微笑的脸上,台下的家长们也不停地按动着快门记录下孩子们闪光的时刻,更是迫不及待地发到朋友圈里与亲朋好友分享这份喜悦。




美高索斯兰和英澳A-Level+的学术荣誉证书、志愿服务证书、最佳进步奖、学生领导力奖、激励分个人和班级前三名、及各类国际竞赛的获奖证书...... 每张证书的背后都承载着同学们在升学路上的付出、印证着汗水过后的收获,期待着你们更精彩的高光时刻!



带着上学期满满的嘉奖和收获,我们在下午的破冰团建活动中,正式吹响了新学期的哨声。高年级学长和低年级小学弟学妹们组队,承担起照顾小苗苗们的重任;亲子组队成为全场最默契的组合;师生同组齐心协力创造最佳记录...... 欢声和笑语在校园里回荡,新生和老生、老师和学生、家长和孩子、老师和家长,如果说上午庄严的开学典礼让大家对接下来的日子充满了希望,那么下午的破冰活动在迅速拉进大家距离的同时,也一定让国际部大家庭的每个成员都感受到了集体的力量和信念!



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Offer战绩! ||青岛为明学校国际部2021届美高索斯兰录取捷报来袭!